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When a windows 7 computer is interrupted while writing data to the computer hard disk drive, that data is usually left incomplete. The name is "lost chain” or “lost cluster” this data can making your windows computer slow down, cause program errors,

Your computer knows the data in the lost cluster is there, but has no way of accessing it.
There are several ways that this data can become corrupted. The most common cause for this is failing to shutdown a windows xo computer properly or resetting a system while applications are still running.

Another cause is a windows computer lock up while downloading files from the Internet. Whatever the cause, if any of these scenarios has happened to you, then you most likely have these lost clusters or chains on your windows 7 computer hard drive.

Scan disk is the Windows utility used to check the files and folders of the selected drive for any errors, lost clusters, lost chains, and bad sectors.
If an error is found, it attempts to repair that error. If scan disk is not run on a regular basis
your computer could become sluggish. I recommend that the average user perform run scan disk computer once a month.

How to perform scan disk for your computer hard drive? it also can use if your computer hard disk having problem, example every time shutdown you computer after turn on your windows 7 computer will automatically perform scan disk.

After you scan disk your hard drive, i hope your computer running normally
first double click your mouse at my computer on your desktop

after double click my computer for windows 7

after open it, right click your computer mouse and go to properties windows 7 computer to perform hard disk scan

after open it, right click your computer mouse and go to properties windows 7 computer to perform hard disk scan

Click properties and find the Tool menu on your windows 7 computer

Click to check now check the two boxes and click to start the scan disk progress

After click to start button, the progress depend on the size for the hard disk drive are install on your windows 7 computer. After finish the progress, the message bar will pop up, if your computer has more than one partition, you need to use same progress to perform scan any hard disk drive.

If the screen appear like below screen shot, after you click to start check
disk, it meaning scandisk only perform scandisk after you restart your pc, just
click yes and restart your computer. The progress will do after you restart your computer next time.

Scandisk progress when restart computer, leave the progress until finish, don’t stop the check disk progress.
when it complete you can use your computer as usual.


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